Get Makrolon Bayer Polycarbonate. Find Makrolon Bayer Polycarbonate. POLY-EXPRESS offre una vasta gamma di prodotti, e sfruttando al massimo le sinergie tra gli associati anche in termini di know-how riesce a proporre un servizio di qualità elevata e costante nel tempo.
I reparti aziendali di assistenza tecnica, di vendita e di marketing sono a completa disposizione per trovare i materiali migliori e le procedure di utilizzo più idonee alla tua produzione. Ogni giorno, più di 18. Paesi nel mondo, contribuiscono a rafforzare questa posizione sviluppando prodotti innovativi per molteplici mercati. Get Instant Quality Info Now! Covestro creates materials the world relies on every day.
Discover the product for your need. Exhibits easy release, high heat resistance, good toughness, good dimensional stability, high creep modulus and good. The city on the Lower Rhine in the western part of Germany has been influenced for centuries by the textile industry. With just a few clicks you can find the products and studies you are looking for.
Filago (BG) in Via delle Industrie 9. Qui si trovano anche gli uffici amministrativi, l’organizzazione Commerciale, la Communication e tutte le altre funzioni cosiddette di piattaforma (circa dipendenti). Our innovative developments in polycarbonates, polyurethanes, coating, adhesive and specialty raw materials, and thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers enhance products in a wide variety of markets. Exhibits high dimensional accuracy, good adhesion and temperature stability.
Possesses a smooth surface. Shows an outstanding impact resistance and superior toughness when compared to other thermally conductive plastics. Their high transparency and smooth surface make them an attractive material for a wide range of applications.

They offer extreme impact resistance, even at temperatures down to -100°C. Offers superior durability to help prevent cracking and good chemical resistance. Is suitable for processing by injection molding. Our products and application solutions are used in many areas of modern life. Everbright have developed and sustained a growing niche in the market.
I marchi comprendono una vasta gamma di lastre di policarbonato ad alte prestazioni, che soddisfano le più svariate esigenze. At our site in Antwerp, we’ve been producing high quality materials for more than years. Login to view all 2News from Covestro. E un’impresa globale nel settore della sanità, della nutrizione e dei materiali high-tech. Definisce i trend di sviluppo nell’ambito della ricerca, ed è impegnata nello sviluppo sostenibile.
EN 16 and CSA Z94. Material Notes: Polycarbonate diffuser sheet for outdoor LED lighting Makrolon DX-NR is a translucent polycarbonate product specifically designed for use as a lighting lens in outdoor applications. Combining clarity with durability, Makrolon polycarbonate sheet provides clear, unobstructed views. With our high-tech materials and application solutions we want to push the boundaries of what is possible – to make the world a brighter place.
We also demonstrate our leadership through working towards improving health, safety and environment throughout the product life-cycle, from manufacture to customer to downstream user, in support of the ICCA Global Product Strategy. Products include isocyanates and polyols for cellular foams, thermoplastic polyurethane and polycarbonate pellets, as well as polyurethane based additives used in the formulation of coatings and adhesives. LED a risparmio energetico. Makrolon Lumen XT Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.

Transparent Makrolon. It can therefore significantly reduce costs of painting, powder coating or lamination. Prove reazione al fuoco sp.
The MAKROLON GP polycarbonate sheet is a high performance,.
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