It produces a highly elastic membrane with strong adhesion to many types of surfaces. Produce una membrana altamente elastica con forte adesione a molti tipi di superfici. Esso contiene una piccola percentuale di xilolo e può essere diluito con Solvente-0 se necessario.
Il suo staff è in grado di offrire ogni tipo di consulenza per impermeabilizzazioni, anche le più complesse. It contains a small percentage of xylol and may be thinned with Solvent-if necessary. HYPERDESMO è un rivestimento poliuretanico liquido monocomponento di facile applicazione e di altissime prestazioni. Esso permette la realizzazione di uno strato impermeabile monolitico, senza soluzione di continuità, in grado di coprire tutte le microfessure, tutti i giunti di dilatazione, tutte le giunture tra orizzontale e verticale e qualsiasi altro punto di perdita.
AQUADUR è un bicomponente ed un rivestimento epossidico a base d’acqua. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.
HYPERDESMO has been certified for years expected working life from EOTA organization under the ETA 0prototype. Spedizione Gratuita disponibile per membri Prime su oltre un milione di prodotti. The next generation of roofing technology. Certified for years. HYPERDESMO -T is a one component high solids, polyurethane flui which cures with the humidity in the atmosphere.
HYPERDESMO -PB-2K has been certified for years expected working life (W3) from EOTA organization under the ETAG 0prototype. Several ALCHIMICA products (such as HYPERDESMO -Classic, HYPERDESMO -T HYPERSEAL-25LM-S, etc.) have been used for applications over concrete, old bitumen membranes and granite tiles. Alchimica has a wide range of products. Open the SAP LABS PDF. For a non-slip surface silca sand can be broadcast into the first coat of product.
Una volta aperto utilizzare immediatamente. SPECIFICHE TECNICHE DELL’ HYPERDESMO : Il prodotto liquido: di materia secca in Xilolo. The varnish is completely aliphatic: there is no yellowing and color change as a result of direct exposure to sunlight. Compra HYPERDESMO KG GRIGIO RESINA POLIURETANICA A SOLVENTE a prezzi vantaggiosi su Amazon.
COLD CURE POLYUREA 2K HC produces a fast-cure highly durable, fire retardant, waterproofing membrane with strong adhesion to many types of surfaces. Somos una empresa Europea fabricante de soluciones químicas para la construcción, deseamos aportar productos y servicios personalizados para una protección integral de sus proyectos. Disponemos de una dilatada experiencia con más de años en la formulación de membranas de poliuretano con un claro compromiso con el medio ambiente y la calidad.

It is the ideal solution for. Cures under the influence of air humidity, forming a seamless durable elastic coating. Creation of non-dusting, antibacterial, hygienic, anti-slip, sparkless and decorative industrial. as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Applicare con Rullo, Pennello o Airless. Para incrementar la resistencia a la abrasión y disponer de un sistema transitable, o para incrementar la resistencia a los U. Hyperdesmo -Ady-E pigmentado o Hyperdesmo -A510.
Can be pigmented with special pigment pastes (colors). Mūsu komanda ir profesionāļi hidroizolācijas problēmu risināšanā. ALCHIMICA is a dynamic company specializing in the development and production of specialty polyurethane materials for construction and industrial applications.
For over years, ALCHIMICA has successfully provided products and services to architects, engineers, home builders, contractors and building owners worldwide. Read about company. Membrana líquida de poliuretano transparente para la impermeabilización y protección. Producto monocomponente que seca por humedad ambiental, formando una membrana contínua, elástica, con excelentes propiedades mecánicas y de adherencia que la hacen resistente a la intemperie, a temperaturas extremas, y a la química.
HYPERDESMO LV: πολυουρεθανικό μονωτικό για στεγάνωση και προστασία ταρατσώμ, δώματων, βεραντών, μπαλκονιών, λουτρών κτλπ.
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